Thursday May 21, 2020
Operations Update PRD will be closed Friday, 5/22. This day will be paid for full-time PRD employees. PRD will be closed Monday, 5/25 in observance of Memorial Day and will reopen Tuesday, 5/26.
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Wednesday May 13, 2020
Operations Update
PRD will be closed Friday, 5/15.
PRD will reopen on Monday, 5/18.
We expect to return to the standard time-off request and attendance policies starting 5/25.
However, we will continue to evaluate on a week-by-week basis until further notice.
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Wednesday May 06, 2020
Operations Update PRD will be closed Friday, 5/8 and Monday, 5/11.
PRD will reopen on Tuesday, 5/12.
Please be aware that as our customers begin the process of resuming production, PRD will return to standard time-off request and attendance policies. We will continue to evaluate on a week-by-week basis until further notice. At this point, we anticipate seeing these changes over the next few weeks.
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Thursday April 30, 2020
Operations Update
PRD will be closed Friday, 5/1 and Monday, 5/4.
PRD will reopen on Tuesday, 5/5.
Please be aware that as our customers begin the process of resuming production, PRD will return to standard time-off request and attendance policies. We will continue to evaluate on a week-by-week basis until further notice.
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Wednesday April 22, 2020
Operations Update PRD will be closed Friday, 4/24 and Monday, 4/27. PRD will reopen on Tuesday, 4/28.
Please be aware that as our customers begin the process of resuming production, PRD will return to standard time-off request and attendance policies. It is possible we will see these changes as soon as the week of 5/4, however we will continue to evaluate on a week-by-week basis until further notice.
2020 Dental & Vision Open Enrollment
Great news! Our dental and vision insurance is renewing as-is, with no change in the rates or the benefits. Open enrollment is your opportunity to drop, add or change your current elections for dental and/or vision.
If you are interested in making a change to your current dental and/or vision election, please get in touch with Sarah ASAP.
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Wednesday April 15, 2020
PRD will be closed on Friday, 4/17 and Monday, 4/20.
PRD will re-open on Tuesday, 4/21
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Monday April 06, 2020
As you know, we planned to be closed Friday, 4/10 in observance of Good Friday. In addition, we will be closed Thursday, 4/9 and Monday, 4/13 in order to give those of you that have been working a much needed break. Friday is a paid holiday, you can, but are not required to use vacation time for Thursday and/or Monday.
3rd shift will shut-down at 8am Thursday morning, instead of Friday morning. 1st shift will start-up Tuesday morning, instead of Monday morning.
Pay checks (and direct deposit) will still be dated for Thursday, 4/9 - at this time the plan is to distribute them on Wednesday. We appreciate your efforts through this incredibly challenging time. You already know that PRD is considered essential due to the manufacture of parts for both transportation and defense. But did you know a grommet we produce is being utilized in respirators in response to COVID-19? The work you are doing matters!
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Monday April 06, 2020
UPDATED 04/06/2020
An office staff member was notified that she had direct contact with someone that tested positive for COVID-19. Her last contact with that person was Thursday, 3/26. She has not been tested and at this time she continues to be symptom-free.
The Health Dept advised her that she could report to work as long as she checked her temperature twice daily. In an abundance of caution, we have asked her to remain at home for the duration of her 14 day quarantine, which will expire at the end of the day 4/9.
Please continue to do your part and follow the recommended guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Cough into your elbow or a tissue
- Avoid touching your face
- Stay at least 6 ft apart
- If you have a fever or are sick, STAY HOME.
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Thursday April 02, 2020
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FMLA provisions are not retroactive and became effective on 04/01/2020. The provisions generally apply to full-time and part-time PRD employees. These benefits are not automatic. If you think you are eligible, please follow the procedures below to apply.
3 ways to request; - Complete the Emergency Paid Sick Leave or Expanded FMLA request form linked below
- Call Sarah (812-329-1038)
- Email Sarah (
Completed forms, provider statements and any other documentation can be submitted by; Any approved paid leave will be processed through payroll, is subject to standard payroll deductions (taxes, benefits, child support, garnishments, etc…) and is subject to standard payroll processing cut-off dates.
Downloadable Forms - Click Links Below
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Tuesday March 31, 2020
According to the Lawrence County and Orange County Health Department, the previously reported confirmed case HAS NOT BEEN TESTED AND IS THEREFORE NOT CONFIRMED TO BE A POSITIVE. The employee may have been told they had symptoms of the virus and should presume to be positive; but, no test was completed and no result has been reported to either Health Dept. We are issuing this correction; because, what was reported to PRD at 4pm on 3/30/2020 was a confirmed positive – which was not accurate. For everyone’s well-being we did confirm with the Health Dept that PRD is following the appropriate protocol to help keep everyone as safe as possible - including regularly scheduled deep cleaning and additional targeted deep cleaning in response to a confirmed case. We will continue to communicate information as it becomes available. And we continue to encourage you to make the decision that make sense for your situation.

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Wednesday March 25, 2020
United Healthcare - ZERO COPAY Virtual Provider Visits
During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic those of you enrolled in PRD’s health plan can take advantage of FREE Virtual provider visits. They can diagnose and provide prescriptions for many common illnesses. Click Here to the attached flyer to get started. Free resource from United Healthcare
Also, EVERYONE can take advantage of the Emotional Support Line UHC has set up to help anyone dealing with anxiety associated with the Coronavirus / COVID-19 pandemic. Available now at 866-342-6892
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Tuesday March 17, 2020
At this time PRD remains open for business. However, it is expected everyone follow the recommended guidelines to help stop the spread of COVID-19. - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Cough into your elbow or a tissue
- Avoid touching your face
- Stay at least 3 ft apart
- If you have a fever or are sick, STAY HOME.
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Friday October 06, 2017
The Manufacturers Association for Plastics Processors (MAPP), in partnership with Purdue Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), has awarded PRD, Inc. first place in the Indiana Manufacturing Excellence Awards. Second place went to Decatur Plastic Products and third went to TASUS.
"All of us at PRD, Inc. are truly honored and grateful for this award. It is great to see the effort of all our employees over the past few years payoff and be recognized," stated Mark Murphy, Vice President and General Manager in Springville based PRD, Inc.
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Wednesday December 31, 2014
PRD and our employees really got into the spirit of Christmas this year resulting in Riley Hospital for Children receiving a donation of over $1,000 ! Our receptionist, Barb Morris, came up with the thoughtful idea. Employees were asked to make a Christmas Ornament to be displayed on the company Christmas tree. Employees were then asked to vote on their favorite at a cost of $0.25 per vote. The money raised would then be donated in the winner’s name to the charity of his choosing. The winner, Mat Ritchison, chose Riley Hospital for Children as his recipient charity. All of the ornaments were auctioned in a silent auction after the votes were tallied and that money was donated as well. PRD matched the voting funds equally bringing the total to $1,019 ! What a great example of holiday team work toward a wonderful cause. Riley Hospital has helped countless families and many of us within the PRD family have thankfully benefited. This is a part of our giving back to the amazing staff at Riley.
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Friday November 01, 2013
PRD employees complete RJG scientific molding certification training.
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Monday June 17, 2013
PRD Inc., plans to expand its operations center in Springville, Indiana. Last December PRD committed to invest $3 million to equip its 60,000 square-foot facility in Lawrence County. As part of the project, the company purchased 13 pieces of new equipment that will allow PRD to produce new products including automotive and industrial lighting with LED technology.
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